For most of my life, I have enjoyed a passionate inclination to read, write and play with words, and the multiple layers of their colour, texture and meaning.

Colour, Texture and Meaning

Whether they were on cereal boxes, store fronts, Mack trucks, sidewalks or in books, words have always captured my attention, and given me something to appreciate and to do.  I’m sure as a child, I wrote on walls and on the undersides of tables. Today, whether I write grocery lists, tweets, email, or blog posts, I take great pleasure in the process of writing. It’s still fun and natural for me.

My passion for photography arrived much later, but it too has always been simply another form of a similarly enjoyable process: observing, capturing and playing with images, and the multiple layers of their colour, texture and meaning.

And then came the wedding! My ultimate creative joy is designing personal greeting cards that marry these two loves: my photos and my words.

With my creations, I aim to harken back to the good old days when people sent and received real snail mail. What could be better than slicing open that envelope and finding something that is not a tax bill, but rather a personalized greeting that says, “Hello! I’m thinking of you” or ” I love you”?  Do you know anyone who doesn’t occasionally yearn to be that recipient?

On some of my cards you will find photos that feature subjects a bit outside the norm — Audities — because indeed, they are the ones that speak to me most passionately. In a like fashion, my favourite captions or messages in cards are the ones that have double meanings or plays on words.

Please browse and enjoy my creations. And consider how you too can Show You Care.

To connect to a more complete gallery of images suitable for greeting cards, check out a selection here: Audities’ Cards and Photos I will be happy to design one for your special needs.

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