Our muses sometimes spark creative ventures exactly when we need them most: when we are feeling down, or desperate, or anxious. The embers may sit for awhile and then suddenly, clear out of the blue, they burst into flame with an urgency that demands creation. Such was my recent experience with this Dementia Activity Cushion.

I started with a very general idea of the “tools” I wanted my friend to manipulate, but I wasn’t at all sure how they would fit together. So I just poked right into the project, digging around and gathering various bits and pieces that seemed useful: an unused purple cushion; an outgrown plushy and sequined top from my granddaughter; a recycled balsamic rice bag (because it had a zipper – and words and numbers); some beads and cords and pockets, and at the last minute, a small flashlight. And then I set to work, thinking and planning and stitching, and keeping my mind occupied with doing.

I agree that it’s far from minimalist.

My friend now has a lot of items to play with whenever she wants to keep her mind occupied with doing.

I’m hoping she will enjoy pushing the sequins back and forth.

Zipping and clipping; tying and snapping; slipping and sliding. What fun!

I’ll find out tomorrow how she manages.

4 thoughts on “Cushioning & Cuddling Activities

  1. This is a brilliant idea! Recycling many items at the same time as creating something new and enjoyable for a dear friend. Wonderful.


    1. Thank you for your comment.
      My friend does okay because she lives in a high-level assisted-living complex on their “memory floor where all her needs are met. She has deteriorated dramatically in the last two years, but since I have been with her closely throughout, the decline has seemed a little more gradual – until, that is, I think back to a year, or even two months ago. Then I realize how quickly her condition has progressed.


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