Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Well, yes, it is more springy out there: the birds are all a-twitter and the temperatures are more inviting.

Happy Spring Bird

But now we need some sunshine!

The rain has been falling for several days; lake and river levels are rising; basements are getting wet and yes, even flooded; it’s definitely time for a break.



Enough Stuff

When I look around me, I see educated and very intelligent sick people. The disease they suffer from is affluenza, a serious addiction to buying . . . stuff.  Stuff they do not need or even really want, but stuff they feel compelled to buy. At first glance, you would say they are healthy and happy and wise about their spending, but they spend a lot of time saying: “I’ve just bought this!” and, “I got this on sale!” and, “I’m so excited about my new this!” Usually they are also very good at justifying their need for this new stuff.

The Pink Lady in 2009 — A 3-story house with 21 rooms full of stuff!

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Social Media!

Social media can be fun!

Indeed, it is fun once we get to the social part of it. But, boy oh boy, can it be challenging if we want to try something different; or make changes to something we’ve already learned how to do; or do something quickly, because “Hey! I already know how to do this!”

If only!